A map of the US showing American Regional Dishes. The US stands in a stark orange against a bright teal ocean.
A screenshot of Sarah Bell retweeting the food map on twitter, saying 'Feast your eyes on this delicious map made by our talented intern, @lucymakesmaps'
A screenshot of PoKateo retweeting the food map, saying 'the only North Arrow that matters' with a screenshot of my North arrow, which has the letters F-O-O-D instead of N-E-W-S and reads 'a north arrow is pointless in this projection'

Project Information

I wrapped up my internship project at Esri early and decided to spend my remaining time working to build a map using ArcGIS for Adobe Creative Cloud, the extension I had been working on.

Once I shared this map on social media, there was a lot of backlash from outside the cartographic community of people with strong emotional ties to and reactions against certain regional dishes. These responses were somewhat overwhelming at first, but in the end they generated a lot of engagement with my map and meant that my design was being viewed by (and eliciting a strong response from) a large audience!